Khan Bazaar

One of the many places that make Yazd a beautiful city to visit is the Khan Bazaar. Starting our day, we made our way to the Chaharsoog Cafe in the bazaar for an amazing cup of coffee. Before leaving the cafe, all I could do was embrace how beautiful the bazaar looks before the shops open. Yazd has always been one of my favorite places to visit. I have always had such fond memories as a child visiting the city. Coming back as an adult was an incredible experience.

As a child, I remember playing at my cousin’s home or riding on the back of my uncle’s motorcycle. Most of all, I was mesmerized and lost as we walked through the bazaar. Returning after many years have passed, it was wonderful to see that not everything has changed. This culturally rich city has kept much of what I remember while evolving and emerging as a new city.

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