The Tower of Silence (Dakhmeh)

In Zoroastrianism, the thought is that upon death, the body is to be returned back to the earth. This was accomplished by placing the body within the tower of silence (dakhmeh). But before the body is placed in the dakhmeh, a specific dog is brought to confirm that the individual has passed. Then the family heads to the nearest dakhmeh. As the family member is being prepared for last rites, the other members remain within the house.

Salons (houses) at the base of the Tower of Silence where families can pay last respects to members of the family that have passed.

The next steps are a prayer ceremony for the family member. Then a light is left next to the body for 3 days so that the soul can be guided to the next stage.

This is one of those practices that I always found interesting a beautiful. The idea of being guided to the next stage, where ever that may be.

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