How it all started

My journey started on a film SLR while taking a course in photography. I was excited to capture each moment and learn different techniques. During that same period, I received my first digital camera. It was a point and shoot. No bells and whistles, a no-frills 2.1-megapixel camera.

At the time, I was excited to have the ability to take hundreds of pictures, good or bad, and not have to worry about developing them. I would be able to learn from each "click," to see how to improve on framing the shot. Over the years, I graduated from that point and shoot through a full gambit of Nikon cameras. I have tinkered with other brands, while always jumping back to my favorite camera. Currently, I am shooting with the Nikon Z6 and thoroughly love all that the camera offers.

Life is like the weather.
Some days may be raining, but there will always be sun after the rain.

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